Ever had those moments when you felt exceptionally limited? Difficulty forming relevant concepts in your head.
Running out of ideas for a variety of reasons?
Or simply, too tired and lazy for life in general?
Hopefully, this mini habits will help you revive, anticipate and relive your aha moments. Don't forget to "keep on thinking" right? (hey there Life Noggin). Also, you may get your creative juices running again! You are disposing dead brain cells each day, so why not take the chance to feed new information constantly. Sure, you may forget 3/4 of the things you learn in a day. But accumulate that 1/4 of knowledge for a week. You get a wholesome of general goodness!
1) Looking around when commuting.
Bus, train or even on the car... do scrutinize on details inside out. It can be observing the people on board, how new/old the vehicle is, landscape, alignment of buildings, structure, shapes, patterns and even lights. There is always something to look beyond to. Something that will make you ever-so-curious. Consider asking yourself questions like "why does this particular thing happens to be like this?" or "what can I do to find out more about something?".
2) One topic links to another.
Try linking several terms in Geography with Biology, Design with Maths and Language with Arts etc. Everything plays a part in this moving world. Information may be stored in multiple textbooks, trusted websites and videos.
These are just a few Examples.
Geography x Biology
Some people may argue that ecosystem is not really part of Biology. But check out the definition of the subject, and you get this:
"Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, identification and taxonomy (classification). "
So technically, because ecosystem speaks about a community and physical environment, it serves as an extension to Biology. Ecology from an ecosystem can be defined as a way of interacting with the environment from living organisms. It is also about energy transformation and the cycling of substances.
Design x Maths
In Secondary (high) school, we question ourselves on the value of drawing graphs. We can solve it quickly using algebra and specific formulas, but why the hassle? And why come up with problems that require a must to draw graphs? I created a double-barreled question for myself but all's well.
Drawing graphs not only show statistics, range and trends, but also help designers in their field of work.
One simple question: how do you get a really symmetric shape or logo? By using the graph to plot where you want your lines and curves to be. Exactly!
Another reason why measuring needs to be accurate:
In 1991, there was a computer miscalculation which led to a collapse of a 57 000 ton North Sea Oil platform, Sleipner. The aftermath: the fall triggered a 3.0 earthquake on the Ritcher scale. The failure was caused by a computer glitch in the Nastran software, which was used to calculate the design of the structure. A failed "geometry and inadequate" design, they say.
Language x Arts
Language is an art form and Art is a Language. Lets start off with Art first. It can be categorized into three main groups: Literary, Visual and Performing.
Many a time, language is associated to writing and reading. Hence, it can be grouped under the Literary Art Forms. They include poems, short stories and novels. Anyone can be expressive when speaking or writing.
Other times, it can be Visual, as a form of communication. Like the poster below.
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Source: here |
And you know what, this again correlates back to design (like what was mentioned earlier)!
You are welcome.
3) Carry a dream-journal.
Not going to deny that tracking dreams can be interesting and funny. You might not fully remember a dream after you wake up. But you can slowly train your mind to be conscious. That is, by repeating and replaying the events in your head. Write them down in your journal afterwards.
I do not write my dream-journal on a daily basis. Days when I write are days when I feel a strong urge to figure out what is going on within, and around me. I gathered that sometimes, my emotions affect my dreams.
There are times when dreams get really incomprehensible. They are random to the extent that humor is on its toll. The most stimulating part is when I get to make my own self-interpretations. And have others guess them.
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Source: here |
4) Keep logic on par.
Balancing your creativity with a logical mindset. They work like a machinery; the best of both worlds.
Reasoning logic and thinking critically are some tools that can help you build claims with evidences. Creativity can also support you in making decisions and solving problems.
Something I have learned in one of my modules is: the usage of ethos, pathos and logos. When combined together, they create a relatively persuasive work (can be an essay, poster etc.). Cheers to Aristotle.
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Source: here |
And lastly...
5) Continue seeking more knowledge and wisdom.
Education is a powerful tool. Sounds familiar? Hahaha! "You know...I know... (Selena Gomez's "Kill them with kindness")" Okay that was honestly one of the most random add-on in a sentence, ever.
Back to sub-topic. Learning is a lifelong process. There are tons of stuffs out there we don't know. Languages unheard, cultures not practiced and terminologies/phrases not understood - semantic noises.
Sure, some schools might not give you the most "all-rounded" education. At the end of the day, you yourself hold great responsibility for your own well-being. So set your own timing and priorities. Get enthusiastic with touching a topic entirely new to you outside (if you're like me, easily tired of repeating the same routine each day). Try to 'peak it'.
If you ever question(ed) why some subjects are compulsory in school (like me once)... I have a valid answer for you!
These subject either (a) Test on your discipline, patience level to study or (b) Real life-based problem management skills or (c) Simply there because somebody else finds the beauty, and appreciates it like crazy. I mean, I am damn sure you too can be interested in something, no?
I shall end with just five of these unique (maybe not so...) suggestions. Hope yaw are having a whirl of fun my friends. See you!
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