Monday, November 16, 2015

The movie: Inside Out

"They said "stay nice, stay innocent" when you were younger. 
But for how long?
If time was that definite, what is there to worry about?
About its limitations, and not making the best out of it?
I doubt so."

We are getting older each day. It might not be visible at this exact moment, but we are.

About a month ago, I watched Inside Out and enjoyed it. It holds great values about growing up and all. I don't need to further elaborate, do I? Some of y'all might have watched it, got emotional and even moved to tears. For those who haven't, don't worry I ain't gonna 'spoil' y'all.

Picture source: here 

Basically, I like how each emotion is portrayed in a both good and bad way. Its like how glory and gore goes hand in hand (well thanks Lorde...). Characters like Sadness and the main girl in the movie are pretty well-rounded, in my opinion. The animation? Well, I would credit how real life characteristics from people were well explored. Pixar almost always amaze me. Overall take in from Inside Out would be: to accept that growing up and getting exposed to changes is all part of everyone's lives. It is okay to breakdown at times, it doesn't mean one's weak. It is also okay to have mixed feelings.

I mean come on...look at this image below as an example...

I saw it online and liked the concept. Source already stated gahahaha! But actually, that table reminds me of a Punnett Square I learned during Biology lessons in school. Except that it is not entirely a square but a rectangle. And it is not genetically linked. *Laughing at self* about when you are meditating?

My guess: emotions might be quite translucent. Transparent even if you are really achieving enlightenment.

Just another short post.
Enjoy your week!

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