Sunday, January 31, 2016

To all my juniors.... (2/3)

Seeking comfort in darkness/ external influences
We tend to see lots of content online. Be it Tumblr, Pinterest or any webpage. Opinions are stated (just like my blog, for don't need to agree with everything I say). We tend to get drawn away by how others are feeling. Their sadness, anger and hurt may become ours.

Not making any sense to you guys?

Basically, we fall prey to our emotions. There are lots of things going on outside. Sometimes, we see and hear too much. From news. From rumors. From little conversations and rants. We store those information to....yeah you guessed it....the brain!

Sure. Those hurt, constant unrest and fear are going about in the world. What can we do about it?

Sending prayers to all humans out there... why not? But what else can we do?

Worrying or feeling sympathetic for long doesn't make anything better.

Put everything away and hear our inner voices - the conscience. Nature can be our best friend. Instead of distracting ourselves with what we cannot change, why not take this time to reflect on the brighter side of things? What we can do with ourselves instead. After all, what can we do about others when we can't even control our existence well?

Bullying/ Gossiping
We might be culprits, victims and witnesses to it. Whichever the case, we all know that bullying is a form of showing weakness. Dragging someone down because of our own insecurities do not make us powerful. True power lies within those who are aware of themselves.

I think I have mentioned this before... I have experienced people talking about me, making false accusations everywhere. Yes, they do not make me feel good at all. I was a sensitive, kind of emotional, shy and quiet kid in school. I got weird stares from people... like " is she even okay?". Got to witness people telling their friends not to befriend me just because I looked different. I know those incidents happened quite some time ago (got so much better now...), but these little fragments of hurt do struck me at times. Making my self-esteem drain a little each time. I get secretly 'assumptious' when people whisper in front or behind me.

What I want to cover for this topic is that sure... people can speak whatever they want, be it true or untrue. They always talk about every single thing we do. They have words for everything, almost. But hey, both you and I are part of the crowd. We do have moments when we hurt someone before, even if it wasn't intentionally.

We all could have been what I mentioned - culprits, victims and witnesses of bullying. Even so, personally, I am trying to regain my own confidence and stay away from toxic conversations. You can too. 

I am sure bullying still happens during adulthood. In a more "advanced" way. Words/phrases like "backstabbing" and "having an agenda" exist for a reason. To keep your conscience or is really up to you.

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