Friday, June 19, 2015

"5 First-World" GIRL problems

Time for some amusement yaw!

Okay... so recently I have been reading posts of how unsatisfied SOME not-so-tall people are. How having longer legs will save the trouble from catching up, or how the stereotypical word 'tall' or 'short' is related to confidence and self-esteem. Being 168cm in height, I count myself pretty tall for an average Asian girl's height (generally speaking). And what do I think of people who are shorter than me, honestly? Well /laughs/ NOTHING. I mean, I don't care about a person's height, I care about the personality more yo. Truth to be told, being both tall or short do not define anything. Both have their pros and cons. Insecurities and bonuses. Enough said.

GAH actually, that's not the main point here.  It is just a supporting statement for this post.  Something that leads me to have the idea and urge to write this.
Going to list out five things all (or maybe most)  girls can relate to:

Ps. 1) Please bear in mind that not everything is going to be agreed on.
      2) I used some Disney Princesses/ Characters as picture references here.

1) Heels/ Wedges
credits: here
credits: here
Don't know about you but I have to choose my heels thoroughly. And worse still, Just because my feet is counted pretty big for a girl's. The choices are rather limited.  The heel designs I like that are of my size are really rare to find sometimes. It is also partially because I am a extremely picky person. Somebody that likes spending the entire day just to find a pair of desirable heels/ wedges. Or never finding one at the end at all. I really need to change that attitude of mine ASAP.

credits: here
Who likes them,  anyways? I have no idea.  Girls, I ABSOLUTELY FEEL those days when cramps simply irk us.  When hormonal changes take place and we get DRAMATIC mood swings.  I know that blood oozing sensation. The need for care and concern.  To have the strong affection for ourselves and people around us. Or maybe none at all,  just yearning for an alone time for some peace. As I'm saying this,  I wonder if I'm making sense anymore.

Heheh, chill off:
"Could you see if there is anything at the back of me?"

After period (recovery) season: LIGHT WEIGHTED HAHAHA!
credits: here

3) Clothing.
credits: here
"Make it!!"

We all have different body types/shapes. Be it slightly bigger stomach, hips, legs, or arms, we might face difficulty flattening them down with certain piece(s) of clothing. Some of us love the confidence we get from dressing ourselves up.  Hence,  It pressurize us to get that 'desired' look we imagined. 

Another thing is that when a girl says she has NOTHING to wear, it means she has nothing to wear! Gahahahaha! Despite having her closet full of clothes, most of it might be: a. too small, b. too loose, c. too whatever, d. worn it a number of times already, e. not feeling the mood to wear a particular something, f. uncomfortable...

4) Public "expectations".

credits: here

credits: here
Females have to keep up with "clean hygiene practices",  especially in public. For instance, burping out loud: its feels pretty okay to some,  but not others who feel slightly offended. I think it goes the same with males too?
Of course, there are many other aspects as to how expectations are set. This is just a weak example. Something I want to type out anyways.

Basically, we have to look put together whenever we go out. Presentable - that's the word!  Impressions do matter to us, somehow. 

5) Choosing undergarments wisely

credits: here
Be it waterproof, stretchy, or something with contrasting shapes and forms to fit a particular outfit, or a body type. Something that at least shows a sense of decency. And not going to the extremes. "Try-an-error" method in real life, I would call it. 

Whewww! Finally finish writing this...Meant to publish earlier!
Good day people!


  1. Haha I absolutely enjoyed your post and I can say I can relate to this! I'm a small girl in my country and everybody is pointing it out to me but I don't really care :D guess it's hard to be a girl these days!

    1. Well hello Julie!
      Hehehe first of all, thank you for reading my post! Happy to see someone relating to it. ^~^
      Its good that you don't care about others' irrelevant opinions! I mean, its your life!
      You're awesome! Kekeke going to check out your blog girl! ;)
